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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

All In One (AIO) : Xara Software AIO | Rek 5 Milyar All In One (AIO) : Xara Software AIO

Koleksi All In One, Xara Software

Xara Software AIO | 85 Mb

Isinya antara lain ...

Xara MenuMaker 1.1
Program for creating multilevel menus for websites. Xara Menu Maker includes templates menu, each of which can be customized colors, fonts, sizes, and, thus, to ensure that it will fit in the originally conceived design. Graphical menu items can be saved in formats GIF, JPG and PNG formats with different quality, thus saving the time required to load the page.

Xara3D 6.0
Xara Xtreme Pro
Xara Webstyle V4.07
Xara ScreenMaker 3D 1.0.1
Xara MenuMaker 1.1

Xara3D 6.0
The program for creating three-dimensional and animated texts, including a variety of headings, logos and banners, including flash, the rapid development of three-dimensional buttons, and other small graphics, as well as to create screensavers.

Xara Xtreme Pro

Xara Xtreme Pro - a powerful graphical tool for creating professional web - graphics using both vector and bitmap images.

Xara Webstyle 4.07

Graphic editor, intended primarily for creating Web graphics - banners, buttons, three-dimensional titles, logos, substrates, etc., as well as the creation of dynamic menus based on DHTML. Despite its many opportunities, they will be able to use even beginners web designer: the program included many pieces, know yourself to change the text, size and texture. Zest software from the company Xara - the opportunity to work with vector graphics, which has a clear advantage over "normal" as the immutability of the quality of generated images, even with its many transformations (change size, text, colors, etc.)

Xara ScreenMaker 3D 1.0.1
program for creating three-dimensional screensavers. With it you can quickly and easily create a screensaver, containing three-dimensional text or image. ScreenMaker 3D supports a large number of graphics files and video files to AVI. Using the software, you can create both original screen savers for your friends and family, and corporate logos.

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