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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Applications In One DVD For Windows | Rek 5 Milyar Applications In One DVD For Windows

List Included.
Acollection of most used or must have applications in one single DVDpack .ISO All with updates and necessary serials, crack, or keygen tohelp you the user, get a fresh installation, quick & running + 100%secured.
The main question is why all this
Howfrustrating is it after installing a new operating system to look forapps in different CDs DVDs etc or surf the net countless hours infinding the right, working application that suits your needs.
ThisDVD is organized (3.9 GB) in such a way that is user friendly . In theRoot Folder [right after you open the image] you will find the main basefolders that will contain all other (specific) data . Every folder hasits own type of applications .

For instance in Audio Utilities you will find only audio related applications for example : Winamp

Why this DVD
Mainlybecause its well organized , safe to use and easy to operate with . Itcontains the direct apps, this means they are not in archives so youwill need to do extra work when installing one product , theinstallation executables are waiting for you to open them right in therespective folder of the respected (named) application.

AnotherReason would be the updates, in a larger sense, the new applications,they are always recommended because they have solved earlier build bugsand newer apps are always more stable than older ones. Of course new isnot always better but they had been carefully selected for you with thebest of the best applications so you can enjoy a full multimediaexperience and not just install bloatware (unneeded software)

It does contain all necessary software for a PC to run more than smoothly and safe.

Download file:
No. 2 Q
Kategori [Software]
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