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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Advertising Without An Agency Made Easy | Rek 5 Milyar

Advertising is the art of lefting people know you are open and interested in having their business. Failing to advertise is planning to keep your business a secret.

Advertising is nof a preface science. It i not even close. It can be frustating, confusing, expensive, and sometimes overwhelming, and too time-consuming for small business owner who has so many other responsibilities. Thousands of dollars can easily be wasted by making uninformed advertising decisions. Your entire business can be lost by deciding not to advertise at all.

There are so many kinds of advertising from which to choose. Since you are not a professional media buyer, how are you supposed to know what would work best for your business? How do you make informed decisions independently from what you are told by the media sales reps who call on you every day? Which of those media reps do you believe? There may be no other fact of your business in which so many friendly people can so easily lead you astray. How do you know which radio and television stations are the best one to use? Which publications and billboards will increase the demand for your product or service?

This ebook designed to help you avoid common mistakes and provide time saving, energy-saving, money saving-information. It is not for the advertising experts who can chew up and spit out information from Arbitron and Nielsen over breakfast. They do’nt need help. But it is for direct advertiser who must keep up with changing formats and audiences of radio stations, shifting televison lineups, special sections of various publications, as well as the stories and “numbers” recited by media sales people – all while trying to meet the many other daily demands of running a business. It is for the small business owner who understands the importance of advertising and is stuck doing it alone.
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