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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Alien Shooter 2 Conscription | Rek 5 Milyar Alien Shooter 2 Conscription

Publisher: Sigma Team
Developer: Sigma Team
Genre: Action | Shooter
System: PC
Language: English
Size: 711 MB

Alien Shooter Conscription is the continuation of cult Alien Shooter 2, which is a unique blend of two game genres- Action and RPG.

The Great War has begun! The world population capable of functioning is mobilized to serve in army. Hordes of monsters are destroying the cities and capturing new territories. The situation on the battlefront reached the critical emergency point and there's nobody to wait for help. Try to fight with the aliens as private soldier from regular army, who occurred to be in the very center of grand events. The outcome probably depends on you!

Game features:
- Huge crowds of enemies, more than 100 zombies on one map at a time.
- Ability to upgrade the main character's parameters.
- More than 60 weapon types, including sniper rifles.
- Lots of auxiliary devices, including radar and battle drones.
- Several types of vehicles to drive.
- Three game types: Campaign, Survive, Gun Stand.

Alien Shooter 2: Conscription (c) Sigma Team
Release On : 11 July 2010
Disk Amount/Format : 1 CD ISO
Type of Game : Action/RPG

System requirements
1.7 GHz CPU, GeForce2 / Radeon 8500, 256 MB RAM


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