Aurora 3D Presentation 2011 - a powerful tool in creating 3D presentations. You can easily create the presentation by adding images, text, video, models, different data, and thus choose many ways to display and supply of presentation material.
No more glue models! No need to book animation design! No need to understand the basics of 3D-design, no need to learn Flash, AE, Photoshop, etc., do not need to run the advertising agencies that will charge you big money!
This program will save time and money and become your reliable assistant in the business.
1. The simplicity and efficiency In Aurora 3D Presentation is not difficult management dizaynomde. You can select a set of templates and styles for your objects. Specially designed handles and special effects like 3D - glass and metal reflections, gradients, particles, etc. All this will give you the opportunity to work as an experienced 3D designer
2. The set of solutions. Aurora 3D Presentation provides many options, you will not need to spend time to re-create the wheel, just select the desired mode, adding the content of your presentation, and then to complete its development and presentation of 3D ready! You choose for example navigation, image walls, tables, graphics data 3D-model, etc.
3. Full interactivity Aurora 3D Presentation provides powerful interactive features, objects can communicate and create a trigger event, the content can be updated at any time, without creating multiple pages, all in a format 3D! In addition, the software supports the use of touch-screen computer and remote control devices, you can freely use this option in different cases.
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