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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Guitar Hero World Tour | Rek 5 Milyar Guitar Hero World Tour

What life is like a rock star? Meetings with the most extraordinary personalities, shocking antics, endless rehearsals, the roaring crowd of fans - all are reminiscent of a little color crazy dream! Moreover, a collective dream, in fact on top of musical Olympus did not climb without the help of loyal supporters. Guitar Hero: World Tour for the first time in the history of the series gives you the opportunity to play with friends. Collect the merry company at home and prove that rock - alive! A microphone, improved guitar and even a kind of drum kit - the tools will be enough for all. In his new, much more complex compositions help from his friends can be very useful! Music Van Halen, Linkin Park, Sublime and the dozens of other religious groups not submit to live alone. Create your own "rock band" with unique characters, write music at all times and become an idol to millions. With Guitar Hero: World Tour everything is possible!

Year: 2009 Genre: Arcade / 3D Developer: Neversoft Entertainment Publisher: Activision
Features: * More music! In Guitar Hero get only the best bands and performers whose names do not go out of their TV screens and newspaper pages. 30 Seconds to Mars, Van Halen, Linkin Park, The Eagles, Sublime, Blink-182, Ozzy Osbourne and dozens of other iconic rock musicians are waiting for you. And this is not the limit - many songs can be downloaded through the optional Network! * Put a rock star. Do you have a unique opportunity to put together their own music "gang". Dozens of sets and costumes allow you to recreate themselves and their friends in the game. You are free to choose a logo for the group and even album covers for worship. * Collective Creativity. Now to speak to an enthusiastic crowd can not only you but also your friends! One will perform solo on the guitar, the other will get the role of vocalist, the third to hit the drums - will not be bored! * Reliable arsenal. At your disposal there is everything you need: a microphone, guitar and drum kit, which is easy to assemble and connect. Convenient and considerably improved tools will disclose your full potential for one hundred percent! * Team battles! By the usual "struggles" alone added an exciting new mode. It just two rock groups are fighting for the right to be called the best, and no matter how many miles separates musicians - Network fights blur the boundaries. To show their talent can simultaneously eight people. * Flight of fantasy. With Guitar Hero: World Tour you will discover a talent not only artist, but also a composer. Be creative music, play their works in concerts and share them on public display - special service makes this process simple and convenient. Who knows, maybe it was your song will win the hearts of millions of fans and will be a hit.
System requirements: * Operating System: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista * CPU Processor: Intel Pentium D (Dual Core) 2.8GHZ or AMD Athlon 64 3500 + * Memory: XP - 1 GB RAM, Vista - 2GB RAM * Video Card: 256 MB 3D Hardware Accelerator Card * Memory: 2 GB RAM * Guitar Hero 3 Official PC Guitar Controller
Full list of tracks: Show / Hide text
Platform: PC Publication Type: RePack Language: English only Tablet: Not required Size: 4,3 GB
Features RePack versions: -From the game did not cut -Video reaped 60% -Art, nice installer -Fits on dvd 5 disc! Author: alexxss
Important! 1) has a PC with operatives less than 1 GB because it does not shake your game you do not put! 2) The installation path must NOT CONTAINED RUSSIAN LETTERS! 3) if there are problems with the sound is open: Open a Notepad file AspyrConfig.xml lying in the folder C: \ Documents and Settings \ \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Aspyr \ Guitar Hero World Tour are changing the line in 2048 at 8192.Pomozhet who has XP. For Vista you need to put "compatible with XP. 

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