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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration Cookbook By Peter Serzo | Rek 5 Milyar

P a c k t Publi shing 2011 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 1849681082 | PDF | 7 MB

* Over 90 simple but incredibly effective recipes to administer your SharePoint applications
* Solutions to the most common problems encountered while administering SharePoint in book and eBook formats
* Upgrade, configure, secure, and back up your SharePoint applications with ease
* Packed with many recipes for improving collaboration and content management with SharePoint

* Part of Packt’s Cookbook series: Each recipe is a carefully organized sequence of instructions to complete the task as efficiently as possible

In Detail

Collaboration and content management are the major business needs of every organization in this increasingly global and connected environment. Microsoft SharePoint is a solution to these needs that offers a software platform that facilitates collaboration and provides content management features for the effective implementation of business processes. With a vast amount of functionality available with SharePoint, it is easy to get confused in carrying out administrative tasks.

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration Cookbook starts off by demonstrating the various upgrading and post-upgrading tasks to be performed in SharePoint 2010. Next come recipes for managing SharePoint service-level applications and for monitoring the SharePoint environment. The book introduces one of the best new tools that should be in your arsenal, PowerShell, and the commands you will need to script your tasks with Powershell.

Collaboration and content management are the most important features of SharePoint and this book contains many recipes that focus on improving them. Enterprise monitoring and reporting are also covered in detail so that you can ensure that your SharePoint implementation is up and running all the time.

You will find recipes to manage and customize SharePoint Search.
When you are half way through the book, you will explore more advanced and interesting topics such as customizing and securing the SharePoint environment.

You will learn to extend SharePoint to include features similar to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Lastly, the book covers backup and recovery solutions for SharePoint so that you can ensure that your system is protected from data loss and virus attacks.

A practical cookbook providing solutions to SharePoint administrative tasks such as configuration, monitoring, and reporting

What you will learn from this book

* Upgrade SharePoint 2010 and carry out the common tasks needed after an upgrade
* Set up and manage several service applications in SharePoint
* Create an efficient SharePoint farm environment that can also be monitored easily
* Carry out common tasks that can be done at the site collections level to promote standardization and automation
* Monitor, report, and correct issues to ensure the optimal performance of your SharePoint environment.
* Manage and customize SharePoint Search to deliver a great search experience
* Secure your SharePoint farm and audit its working to ensure uninterrupted functioning of your SharePoint implementation
* Manage your documents and web content effectively with SharePoint
* Expand your SharePoint implementation to include certain social features similar to social networking sites such as activity feeds and user profiles
* Set up an effective backup and restore solution for your SharePoint farm

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