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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 4th Edition | Rek 5 Milyar Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 4th Edition

Starting an Online Business For Dummies, 4th Edition
For Dummies | 0764583346 | pdf | 7.1 mb

So you want to own your own business, be your own boss, set your own hours, and make real money. If you’re comfortable with computers and have a marketable idea, service, or product, this guide will help you become an ontrepreneur (online entrepreneur). It covers everything you need to know to set up shop in cyberspace. You’ll find out about using established storefronts as a shortcut (sort of like setting up shop in a huge, established cybermall) or building your own Web site from scratch. You’ll explore:

* Doing research, defining your niche and target market, and putting it together in a practical business plan
* Getting the hardware and software you’ll need to get going
* Creating your own Web site with good organization, useful content, and eye-catching design, including ten must-have features and info on clip art and photos
* Selecting a Web hosting service (with info on free Web site homesteading)
* Setting up for handling business online, including building in security, accepting charge cards, creating shopping carts, and more
* Managing your goods and services, including sourcing goods, handling returns, adding shipping fees, and maintaining inventory
* Taking advantage of successful online business models, including storefronts such as, Yahoo!, CafePress, PayPal, or Microsoft that already have all the tools and systems, plus great traffic
* Running a business on eBay
* Marketing your business and the secrets to search engine success
* Keeping good business records and staying on the right side of the law, including everything from trademarks , copyrights, and licensing to taxes, with info on accounting tools and software

Discover how to

* Draw up a cyberbusiness plan
* Select and acquire equipment and inventory
* Accept credit card payment
* Improve your search engine ranking
* Set up Amazon, Yahoo!, and other storefronts

Product Details

* Paperback: 408 pages
* Publisher: For Dummies; 4 edition (March 4, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0764583344
* ISBN-13: 978-0764583346 

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Sub kategori Marketing
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