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Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Stronghold Crusader Extreme | Rek 5 Milyar

Stronghold: Crusader Extreme is an updated version of 2001′s Stronghold expansion, Stronghold: Crusader by Firefly Studios. Crusader Extreme is set in the Middle East during the Crusades era. Stronghold Crusader Extreme has additions of larger armies of 10,000 men, new buildings and missions.

Stronghold Crusader Extreme includes the following new features:

New Extreme mode which covers over 10,000 units on the battlefield
New buildings (outposts generating attacking enemies)
New tactical special powers (reinforcement, field hospital, rock volley attack, arrow volley, engineer team, macemen squad, uncover gold horde, call for knights).
New Crusader Extreme trail with 20 linked missions as well as new stand-alone maps (for single or multiplayer mode).
In addition, Stronghold Crusader Extreme features new AI previously obtainable opponents (The Wazir, the Marshal, The Emir, The Abbot and The Nizar from Stronghold Warchest edition).
It also contains an updated version of the original Stronghold Crusader, which includes everything except for outposts,
the god powers and the Extreme Crusader Trail.

Minimum system requirements:

Operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista…
CPU: Pentium III 500 mhz (1Ghz recommended)
RAM: 128MB (256MB recommended for multiplayer)
HDD: 850MB

Install Notes: Just hit the “Setup.bat”

Download file:
No. 8 C
Kategori [Games]
Sub kategori Arcade (C)
klik disini  (harus login dulu sebagai free member, klik disini)

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