In Attack on Pearl Harbor, players can sign up for either side as they are offered the role of daring US gunner turned pilot Douglas Knox or Japanese ace Zenji Yamada. History's yours to shape: Either nation can win the war depending on your actions as players battle for supremacy behind the cockpits of some of the most prolific fighters, bombers and torpedo-bearing aircraft of the WWII Pacific Theater. Playable planes include Japan's Mitsubishi A6M “Zero”, the D3A1 Aichi “Val” and the B5N Nakajima “Kate” as well as America's Chance Vought F4U Corsair, the Douglas SBD Dauntless and the Grumman TBM Avenger.
Attack on Pearl Harbor features four campaigns, plus a “quick play” dogfight game mode. In addition to the initial Japanese attack on Hawaii, the game also offers a host of famed and challenging scenarios such as the Battle of Midway, Iwo Jima, Burma and Manila. Each campaign spans several months during 1941-1945, offering an exciting and varied selection of missions each 30-day period.
Intuitive Controls – Pick up and play the game via a simple, straightforward control scheme that'll have anyone flying in seconds.
Jaw-Dropping Graphics – Widescreen gaming support coupled with dazzling special effects provides a beautifully rendered backdrop of the Pacific.
Choose Your Side – Play as the dashing Douglas Knox of the USAAF or fighter pilot Zenji Yamada of the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service.
Riveting Action – Take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the most prolific fighters, bombers and torpedo-bearing aircraft of the WWII Pacific Theatre!
Historical Campaigns – Fight the selfsame battles that determined the outcome of the war, from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima!
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