Windows Seven Eternity Edition | 3.8 Gb
Windows ini tampialnnya sangat keren. Ini dia penjelasan lengkap tentang windows ini :
Build on the basis of final logo image of Windows 7 Build 7600 from the team Rockers International Team with the integration of EG LP .
Information :
* Year: 2010
* Version: Windows Seven Eternity Edition
* Developer: Microsoft / Rockers International Team
* Platform: x86/x64
* Language: English, Russian
* Tablet: there
* Activator inside
System Requirements :
* Processor: 1 Ghz x86/x64
* RAM: 512 MB or above
* Disk space: 12 GB
* VIDEO: DirectX 9 graphics and 128 MB of memory (for the theme Aero)
Features of Windows Seven Eternity Edition :
* New Windows Sounds
* 7-zip for extraction purpose.
* All the latest updates are patched Manually.
* Adobe Flash Player plugin
* Rocket Dock
* Black Background Shells
* Codings and scripts are updated from previous Ultimate Versions (This option is available only in Rockers Team Customized windows and not available in any other customized OS)
* More Stable and Reliable
* UAC Disabled
* New Look for Windows Media Player
* New Shortcut Arrows
* Show extensions for known file types
* Enabled IE Phishing Filter
* User *** 2 on Control Panel
* Low Memory consumption
* Enabled Glass Effect without a supported card
* Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting
* Added command prompt to right click context menu
* Enabled addition Avalon effects
* Disabled Tool Tips
* Enabled ClearType Tuning
* Added 'Copy to Folder', 'Move to Folder', 'Open with Notepad' to right click context
* Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
* Menu bars and window frames opaque
* Enabled slow-motion window effects
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Faster browsing with IE
* DEP execution is set to Default
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Disabled kernel paging
* Both 32 and 64 Bit Integrated
* All Latest Drivers Integrated
* 7-zip for extraction purpose.
* Adobe Flash Player plugin
* Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
* Orbit Downloader
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
* ImgBurn
* Notepad 5.1 + +
* CCleaner
* Added Group policy and Registry editor to control panel
* Updated DirectX to August 2009
* Mozilla Firefox
* Low Memory consumption
* Turned off system beeps
* Stopped caching negative responses
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Fully Automated setup you need to choose language and partition only.
* Patched uxtheme files to use 3rd party themes.
* Faster Shutdown (3 seconds services kill timeout.)
* Fast Booting Time
* PowerOff after shutdown
* New High quality Icons
* Changed command line text color to white
* Set mouse pointer speed to maximum
* Removed the annoying clicking sound
* Disabled automatic restart in the event of a blue screen
* Tweaked up shell response
* Hibernation is Disabled.
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Added Administrative Tools to my Computer
* Added Internet Explorer to my Computer
* Added Network Connections to my Computer
* Added Search to my Computer
* Added Printers to my Computer
* Added Run and Windows Flip Switcher to my Computer
* Removed warning about showing hidden system folders
* Shutdown when you click power Button on start Menu
* Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 (default is 2)
* New look for Windows Media Center
* New Explorer View
* Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin
* Makes a right click option for unknown files
* Notepad saves window position
* Opens 16-bit apps in a separate memory space. This increases stability when dealing with 16-bit apps.
* Enabled Word wrap in Notepad
* Enabled Status Bar in all windows
* ATI and NVIDIA Drivers Added
* New Themes
* 255 Sidebar Gadgets
* Enabled search system folders in Search
* System Files are boosted upto maximum Performance
* Removed Old Default Graphics card drivers
* Faster Application load Time
* Improved the performance and reliability
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Disabled kernel paging
* Windows Update service disabled
* Turned off system beeps
* Stopped caching negative responses
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Specifies the time, following user input, during which the system keeps apps from moving into the foreground .
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