ScreenshotRaptor 1.5.0 Portable
3,5 mb
ScreenshotRaptor is an easy-to-use, smart and handy screen capture application that allows you to capture the entire screen, a chosen window, or only the region you need. You can copy the screenshot to the clipboard, or save it as image file (JPEG, PNG, BMP).Key features
• Capture ModesFullScreen.Window/Window Control.Region.Timer.
• Small and Easy-to-useIntuitive user interface.Optional Shot sound.Hotkeys.
• Export CaptureSave to file (PNG, JPEG and BMP).Copy to Clipboard.
• Using an external editorUse external editor to edit screenshots.
• Notification areaMinimize to notification area.Close to notification area.
3,5 mb
ScreenshotRaptor is an easy-to-use, smart and handy screen capture application that allows you to capture the entire screen, a chosen window, or only the region you need. You can copy the screenshot to the clipboard, or save it as image file (JPEG, PNG, BMP).Key features
• Capture ModesFullScreen.Window/Window Control.Region.Timer.
• Small and Easy-to-useIntuitive user interface.Optional Shot sound.Hotkeys.
• Export CaptureSave to file (PNG, JPEG and BMP).Copy to Clipboard.
• Using an external editorUse external editor to edit screenshots.
• Notification areaMinimize to notification area.Close to notification area.
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