If you're reading this ebook, you've made the bold decision to launch your own online business. Congratulations! The good news: you're not alone'and, as you'll learn in the pages ahead' you couldn't have picked a better time. Not only are there more people shopping online than ever before; there's also more resources and technology tools available to show you the way (hence this guide!).
Think about it. Remember the first time you heard the term 'e-commerce?' Or maybe it was called 'e-tailing,' or 'e-business?' Whatever you want to call it, in the early days e-commerce or selling products over the Web got a bad rap: We all remember the fabled story of Jeff Bezos
starting Amazon in his garage and struggling to turn a profit? And what about the early 'dotcom' businesses that rushed to sell their wares online, but couldn't deliver' and ultimately failed? Those were dark days indeed.
But times have changed and the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well online. The entire landscape has shifted, and more individuals and small businesses are turning to the Internet to buy, sell, and create new marketplaces. Put simply: There are more innovative ways to make money online than ever.
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