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Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition ^ Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition


Apress – Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
HF |12.05 MB | PDF | Eng

Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition covers every step of the design and building process involved in creating powerful, extendable e–commerce web sites. Based around a real–world example involving a web site selling t–shirts, you’ll learn how to create and manage a product catalog, build and integrate a shopping cart, and process customer accounts and PayPal/credit card transactions.

With the e–commerce framework in place, authors Emilian Balanescu and Cristian Darie show you how to integrate advanced features sure to set your web site apart from the competition. You’ll learn how to expand your catalog using Amazon Web Services, optimize the web site for the search engines, and take advantage of Ajax to build an even more user–friendly shopping cart.

Other highlights:

* The authors show you how to build a complex, extendable e–commerce web site using sound development practices.
* This second edition has been updated to take advantage of a more flexible templating system, and new chapters cover Ajax integration and search engine optimization.
* The text goes beyond basic product and customer management, showing you how to integrate product reviews, process payments using both credit cards and PayPal, and expand your web site catalog using third–party services such as Amazons affiliate program.

What you’ll learn

* Build an extensible e–commerce web site using sound development techniques.
* Increase sales through proven techniques such as cross–selling, upselling, and enhancing customer service offerings.
* Expand your product and service offerings by integrating with reseller programs such as Amazon Affiliates via XML web services.
* Take advantage of search engine optimization techniques to make your web site more easy to find.

Book Details
By Emilian Balanescu, Cristian Darie
ISBN13: 978-1-59059-864-1
ISBN10: 1-59059-864-4
707 pp.
Published Feb 2008

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