An Autoresponder is an email system that allows you to tell it what emails to send out and when. Essentially it’s a Sequential, Automated Email system.
You write the emails you want it to send out, tell it he timeframe to send each email out, then you get people to either send a blank email to your Autoresponders email address, complete a form on your website or click on a button that automatically sends your email address to the responder which starts the sequence.
An Autoresponder is basically your secretary. The nice thing is that it works for you 24-hours a day 7-days a week, 365 days a year.
However, an Autoresponder is much more than a “stupid” email system. It can canpture names, user locations, and other information, which can then be used in your responder to personalize emails to thousands of people.
I will talk more about how personalizing emails to people will increase your sales ratios a little later
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