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Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Drupal 6 SEO | Rek 5 Milyar Drupal 6 SEO

Publisher: Packt Publishing 2009 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1847198228 | PDF | 11 MB

Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites
Concise, actionable steps for increasing traffic to your Drupal site
Learn which modules to install and how to configure them for maximum SEO results
Create search engine friendly and optimized title tags, paths, sitemaps, headings, navigation, and more
A practical, step-by-step guide that takes the mystery out of Drupal SEO

In Detail
The earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. Despite several advantages, many Drupal sites suffer with poor search engine standings. Perhaps you are aware of the importance of SEO for increasing traffic to your site, but do you know how to apply it to your Drupal site? Here comes the first book about search engine optimization for Drupal sites.

This practical, step-by-step guide takes the mystery out of Drupal search engine optimization (SEO) by showing you the tricks of today's top marketing pros to achieve top ranking in the search engines. This isn't a book of Drupal SEO theory - it's a practical guide showing you which modules to install, which settings to use, and dozens of the most closely guarded "tricks of the trade" to get your web site optimized, higher in the search engines, and more profitable.

With this book and basic Drupal 6 knowledge - how to log in, create content, and install modules - you can build a perfectly search engine optimized web site. Each chapter uses easy, step-by-step instructions to walk you through the Drupal SEO modules, configurations, and content you will need to increase traffic on your web site. You start by reviewing the modules and tools that you should use to optimize your site, how to set up your analytics, and so on. Each subsequent chapter gives detailed instructions on implementing these features in Drupal. Later chapters cover topics like site organization, A/B testing, and automatic content tagging to maximize SEO and increase the conversion rate of your web site. When you have completed the book, you will have implemented the changes to your site required to rank well in the search engines. If you want to maximize the return on investment of your Drupal 6 web site and gain a significant advantage over competitors who are not using Drupal, then this book is for you. Imagine how great you'll feel when your site is optimized to increase the number of visitors and convert them into paying customers.
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