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Senin, 16 Januari 2012

WordPress for Business Bloggers | Rek 5 Milyar WordPress for Business Bloggers

Promote and grow your WordPress blog with advanced plug-ins, analytics, advertising, and SEO
Packt Publishing | 1847195326 | PDF | 356 p | 31.6MB

Blogging has been part of the web landscape for over a decade and has matured into a ubiquitous mode of live communication. The power of blogging has been recognized by the business community, and canny marketers view it as a powerful weapon in their digital arsenal. Done well, blogging can bring myriad benefits to businesses of any size. Done badly, it can cause more harm than good. Central to the success of any business blog is a thorough understanding of the technology. This book will give you a competitive advantage by helping you to create an engaging, effective, and well polished business blog.

What you will learn from this book?

* Develop a `blogging business plan': clarify your blogging goals and sketch out a process for achieving them in WordPress
* Build a custom theme: so that the look of your blog immediately communicates your brand to visitors
* Engage with the blogosphere: create beneficial relationships with other bloggers, making the most of each other's traffic and customers
* Optimize your site for search: incorporate good SEO practices into your blog posting and planning
* Use social media marketing such as Digg, Reddit, Facebook, and to drive traffic to your blog
* Monitor visitors and analyze their activity using stats, Feedburner for your RSS feeds, and Google Analytics
* Manage adverts and implement revenue-generating features using Google AdSense with the Adsense Manager plugin
* Incorporate multimedia on your blog, including video and image galleries

Product Details

* Paperback: 356 pages
* Publisher: Packt Publishing (August 11, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1847195326
* ISBN-13: 978-1847195326 

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Sub kategori Web Development
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