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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++ | Rek 5 Milyar

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Authors: Cameron Hughes, Tracey Hughes
Publication Date: 2003-09-04 | Pages: 720 | ISBN: 0131013769


Today, the C++ language remains one of the most important languages used by professional software developers. Many corporations and government agencies have large investments in applications that are developed using the C++ language. Those corporations and government agencies are now Web-enabling their applications.

Applications that were originally developed as simple client/server now requires Internet/Intranet face-lifts. This book helps software developers and programmers who need to … add the techniques of parallel and distributed programming to existing applications.

Parallel programming uses multiple computers, or computers with multiple internal processors, to solve a problem at a greater computational speed than using a single computer. It also offers the opportunity to tackle larger problems; that is, problems with more computational steps or more memory requirements. 

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