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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days | Rek 5 Milyar

800 Pages | Publisher: Sams 1998 | ISBN: 0672312409 | PDF | 7 MB

Learn Visual C++ through the Teach Yourself series, with sections on: Q&A, Do's and Don'ts, Workshop, Shaded syntax boxes, Type/Output/Analysis icons. Week One starts you with Visual C++. After installing and maneuvering through the components of the software, you'll examine a preliminary program to get the feel for C++ and Visual C++. You'll learn: C++ basics; hierarchies; members, functions, and objects; inheritance; MFC; installing Visual C++, the Visual C++ compiler. In Week Two, you'll look at components of Windows applications and how they are invoked with Visual C++.

Topics include: keyboard input; mouse usage; data file handling; lists and serialization; toolbars and status bars; graphics; and projects. Week Three examines the more involved aspects of Visual C++ and Windows applications.
From the Author

Learn Visual C++ by building working applications

C++ can be a pretty imposing language to have to use, especially for building Windows applications. However, it doesn't have to be. Visual C++ provides many tools and wizards that make the task of building Windows applications with C++ easy. Unfortunately, most books on Visual C++ place most of their focus on the language, with little attention given to the tools. As a result, C++ maintains it's imposing stature.

This book is different. This book was written with the main intention to show and teach you how easy it can be to build Windows applications using the tools and Wizards provided with Visual C++. While other books want to teach you every nook and cranny of the language (and MFC, Microsoft Foundation Classes), this book tries to teach you what you need to know to get up and running quickly.

It is my belief that, once you have the skills to build applications with Visual C++, learning MFC will come much more naturally and easily. As a result, this book focuses on doing, taking you through the building of a running application each day, introducing new concepts each day.

Over the course of the 21 days, you'll learn many techniques and ways of adding functionality, always in a practical, hands-on manner. Once you have finished this book, you should be comfortable performing most typical programming tasks involved in building Windows applications with Visual C++. My goal is that, after finishing my book, you'll pick up a more advanced book on Visual C++ and be pleasantly surprised at how much you already know 

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