Koleksi Template Wordpress 2010 Pilihan
Ukuran File total = 260 Mb
iBlogPro - Premium Wordpress Theme
City Guide - March 2010 WooThemes Theme
eProduct - Templatic Wordpress Theme
eShop - Templatic Wordpress Theme
BlogNews - Gabfire Premium Wordpress Theme
* Translation template which makes it possible to translate into any language easily.
* Automatic image resizer, which is used to dynamically resize photos for main page thumbnail.
* Integrated comprehensive theme settings page (74 options) to tweak the layout through WordPress admin dashboard.
* Unique newspaper/magazine layout
* 6 different colors / 12 different style options
* A nice ajax slider for featured entries
* Built in Banner Management
* Ajax tabs
* Search engine optimized
* Fully widgetized mainpage, sidebar and footer (30 widgetized sections)
* Ad Optimized
Sleektabs - ThemeForest WordPress Theme
Storefront - ThemeForest WordPress Theme
Post It - ThemeForest WordPress Theme
Theme Features
* 4 characters / skins to choose from
* 960 Grid System
* Easy customization with theme options page
* RSS feed design integrated in header illustration
* Built-in 125?125 banner ads (managable in theme options)
* Widget ready
* Compatible with all major browsers (FF 2/3, Safari, IE6 /7, Opera 9, Chrome)
* Tidy CSS
* Cool footer area with custom links and text
* Quotes design with special highlight
PSD Features
* 12 PSD files included: 4 vector characters, 4 color themes and 4 Twitter backgrounds
* You can remove the character and your own photo or illustration
* Each character’s PSD allows you to adapt or change everything from hair, skin tone, clothes and items/table to fit your personality and
* Each Twitter background PSD allows you to change the character and enter your preferred information
Gadget - ThemeJunkie Wordpress Theme
Theme features
* Advanced Theme Control Panel
* Auto-sized Thumbnail Management
* Fully Widgeted Sidebars
* Advertisement Management
* Analytics/Stat Management
* Built-in FeedBurner Support
* Threaded Comments
* Gravatar Ready
* Custom Page Templates
* Dropdown Menu Navigation
* WordPress 2.9+ Compatible
* Cross-Browsers Compatibility
* Email & Forum Support
* Lifetime Upgrade
Slanted - March 2010 WooThemes Theme
Postcard - January 2010 WooThemes Theme
Wave - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
Marketplace - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
WPress Monster - ThemeForest WordPress Theme
WPress Features
* Can be added unimited portfolio categories
* Can be added unimited news or blog categories
* Can be added image, mp3, swf, videos items
* Search engine optimized
* Full Custom Control with WordPress CMS Admininistrator
* Custom logo field in the theme options
* News ticker settings in the theme options
* Footer can be edited from the theme options (copyright, icons, etc…)
* All Images with jQuery Lightbox
* Cross browser
* Easy to Use and Customize
* 6 Custom Widget Areas
* Nice Cu3er Banner Rotator
* AJAX /PHP contact form with jQuery
* Dropdown menu with jQuery
* Valid XHTML 1 .0 Transitional!
* Fixed (IE8-7-6 & Safari & Firefox2-3 & Chrome & Opera)
The Custom Admin Panel features
* Custom Homepage Widgets
* Custom Portfolio, News, Blog, Simple Page
* Custom Category ID for Custom Pages
* Custom Contact form fields settings
* Custom footer copyright text and social network icons
* Google Analytics Code
* and more…
Files Included in the ZIP Package
* PSD files
* Included all XHTML / CSS / PHP / JS files
* My Settings SQL File
* Well Detailed Help Documentation
Open Sources
* jQuery
* Soem Icon (from iconfinder.net)
* jQuery - Form Validator
* and ThemeForest - Activden assest library
Canvas - February 2010 WooThemes Theme
BusinessCard - February 2010 ElegantThemes Theme
Viso - ThemeForest WordPress Theme
Optimize - December 2009 WooThemes Theme
TheCorporation - March 2010 ElegantThemes Theme
Newswire - ThemeJunkie Premium Wordpress Theme
Theme features
* Advanced Theme Control Panel
* Auto-sized Thumbnail Management
* Fully Widgeted Sidebars
* Advertisement Management
* Analytics/Stat Management
* Built-in FeedBurner Support
* Threaded Comments
* Gravatar Ready
* Custom Page Templates
* Dropdown Menu Navigation
* WordPress 2.9+ Compatible
* Cross-Browsers Compatibility
* Email & Forum Support
* Lifetime Upgrade
inFocus - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
Benzo - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
Cinch - March 2010 WooThemes Theme
MyStream - January 2010 WooThemes Theme
ClassiPress v2.9.3 - Premium Wordpress Theme
Yamidoo - WPZoom Premium WordPress Theme
ImageBlogger - Zidalgo Premium Wordpress Theme
Delegate -January 2010 WooThemes Theme
Gallerific - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
eQuator - ThemeForest Premium WordPress Theme
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