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Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

PlugIn WordPress senilai Rp. 970.000: WP Affiliate Pro | Rek 5 Milyar PlugIn WordPress senilai Rp. 970.000: WP Affiliate Pro

PlugIn hebat ini harganya $97 ! Disini Anda bisa download gratis !

Fiturnya :

Here's the full list of the features WP Affiliate Pro has for you (and I'm still keeping a handful of the most advanced features hidden -- only system owners will ever hear about these):

* Instantly add 1000's of affiliate links straight into your blog content with no editing and no HTML knowledge.
* You don't need to learn HTML, PHP or other technical details and still use the system to the full power. There's no complicated technical manual or install instructions to follow, just easy to follow step by step videos (and my help, should you need it).
* Completely customize the color and style of your affiliate links with just a few keystrokes.
* Make the links open in a new browser window or in the same as your blog with a single mouse click. Keep the visitors on your blog and still get commissions.
* Easily control how many affiliate links you want on each page of your blog.
* Earn more by promoting your high paying links more than the lesser paying ones. You can easily tell WP Affiliate Pro how many times you want each link to show up -- no other competitor application allows you to do this.
* Don't spend money on expensive tracking applications. With this amazing system you instantly view the number of clicks on each of your affiliate links.
* Drill down into the advanced reports to see with laser precision exactly which page on your blog got the click. Stop guessing where you should place the links. The system tells you what works and what doesn't.
* Advanced affiliate link hiding goes beyond the usual JavaScript tricks. With Affiliate Pro you can't simply right-click on a link to see the final destination. In fact, with this system your visitors can't find the target of your link unless they click on it, earning you commissions.
* Installs in less than one minute on any of your WordPress blogs, and comes fully configured and ready to use by default.
* With freeware solutions there's no guaranteed response time to your burning questions, or even if you'll get a response at all. WP Affiliate Pro comes with timely professional support via email and live chat each time you need it, by default. Every second you wait before receiving answers to your problems means lost revenue.
* 100% compatible with AdSense and other forms of contextual advertising.
* Dynamic link rendering -- to get rid of the ad blindness syndrome that comes with most advertising solutions, the system automatically rotates through all available affiliate links and positions.
* Just think how much time it takes you to change a single affiliate link now. With WP Affiliate Pro you instantly change any of your affiliate links or the associated key phrases, withing seconds, with just a few key presses.
* The system integrates seamlessly into any blog. You don't need to make any changes to your blog themes or existing plugins.

WP Affiliate Pro goes far beyond a WordPress plugin, even a complex one such as this...

It is a complete system designed from the ground up to help you make more while working less, refined through thousands of hours of testing by super affiliates and top internet marketers, and fully backed up by timely professional support whenever you need it.

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