As the US army's elite special operations soldiers you are the most potent 'smart weapon' known to man. You are the 'tip of the spear' for covert operations around the world - you are the first line of attack. Nothing stands in your way. From the war torn streets of Somalia you have been re-deployed to take out targets in Colombia and Iran. As the US military's preemptive strike force you must work with your team to get the job done.
Delta Force: Task Force Dagger features:
• 25 all new missions designed to test reactions, bravery and coolness under fire
• For the first time in a Delta Force game, play as 1 of 10 different Special
• Forces soldiers with unique abilities
• Over 30 weapons to choose from, including 17 guns new to the franchise
• Realistic mission parameters, including Strategic Recon, Locate & Neutralize,
• Infiltrate & Secure, Escort and Protect Civilians
• Gain the advantage by using UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for spying and
• calling in devastating air strikes
• Stand Alone Mission Pack - does not require the original Delta Force Land
• Warrior game
• Pentium IV 1.700MHz Processor
• 1GB Hard Disk Space
• 256MB RAM
• Windows compatible Sound Card
• Direct3D Accelerated Video Card
• Mouse
• DirectX 9.0
• Full Duplex Sound Card for Transmitting Voice-Over-Net
• NovaWorld Service (multiplayer)
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