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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Oracle 11g For Dummies | Rek 5 Milyar

Oracle 11g For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) (2009)

Product Description
Are you a seasoned system administrator charged with setting up an Oracle database? Or did you suddenly become a DBA by default? If database administration with Oracle is part of your job, you’ll be glad to have Oracle 11g For Dummies in your cubicle.

This nuts-and-bolts guide walks you through the mysteries of Oracle and database administration. You’ll learn how to understand Oracle database architecture, set up and manage an Oracle database, and keep it running in tiptop form. Oracle 11g For Dummies covers:

* The building blocks behind the database engine as well as Oracle’s physical and logical structures
* Hardware, software, system, and storage requirements for implementation
* How to recognize and accommodate the differences between Oracle installations on Windows and on Linux/UNIX
* Daily and intermittent tasks necessary to keep your database running properly
* How to assess potential threats to your database, configure Oracle Recovery Manager, and set up backup and recovery procedures
* When to use online, offline, controlfile, and archivelog backups
* Troubleshooting methodology and how to use Oracle database logs and other diagnostic utilities
* Different ways to manage your database
* How to automate jobs with the Oracle Scheduler
* Using SQL in Oracle, and a great deal more

TITLE : Oracle 11g For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
TYPE : Computer/Database
AUTHOR : Chris Zeis / Chris Ruel / Michael Wessler
PUBLISHER : For Dummies
ISBN : 0470277653
PAGES : 408 pages
RELEASE DATE: 05/21/2008 

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